Q-Park: New Cooperation With CarVia in Hamburg

CarVia in cooperation with Q-Park, their partner for sustainable mobility, has been enabling diverse and flexible mobility in the City Parkhaus Hamburg. The joint cooperation offers a new range of mobility that combines driving with freedom, passion, and driving pleasure and makes owning your own car superfluous.
A central location including a parking space, transfer station, and license plate recognition of the fleet vehicles were the primary selection criteria for the location. The parking facility in the center of Hamburg initially offers 14 parking spaces, the "home base" for the future growing fleet and development of Hamburg.
"Of course, we are very pleased that we were able to inspire CarVia for our property and see the cooperation as the perfect catalyst for the changing spirit of mobility in Germany," says Roman Rohrberg, Head of Marketing and Sales at Q-Park.
CarVia Car Rental's business model includes a local staff presence. Local conditions enable a holistic presence, which customers appreciate, as it ensures multimodal accessibility. "We are very satisfied with the location and the offer and our customers welcome the holistic concept in the parking facility" Marco Edel, Business Development Manager at CarVia.
About Q-Park
Q-Park is notable for its quality approach and has a portfolio comprising over 3,300 parking facilities with more than 640,000 parking spaces in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Great Britain, France, Ireland, and Denmark.
About CarVia
CarVia eint die gemeinsame Vision, die Mobilitätsoptionen zu verbessern. CarVia Autovermietung bietet von der Buchungsanfrage bis zur Rückgabe des Fahrzeugs einen reibungslosen, transparenten und einfachen Mietablauf. Dieser wird durch die Kombination aus einem bestens geschulten Team und zusätzlichen Erklärvideos sichergestellt.
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